About Us

SALT DESERT MEDIA GROUP LTD. (SDMG), UK., was established in 2019 and currently publishes under the imprints Pippa Rann Books & Media (PRBM) and Global Resilience Publishing (GRP).

Titles on the Global Resilience Publishing list explore global challenges that need to be addressed and resolved with an interdisciplinary and transnational approach. The imprint focuses on subjects such as climate change, the global financial system, multilateral governance as well as corporate governance, the ethics of technology, the growth of democracy and the challenges to freedom.

Pippa Rann Books & Media publishes books about India and the Indian diaspora for all who have an interest in the subcontinent, its peoples, and its cultures. At a time of political uncertainty, Pippa Rann Books aims to nurture the values of justice, democracy, liberty, equality, and fraternity that inspired the founders of the modern state of India.

We are open to starting other imprints, depending on the availability of human and financial resources, providing the additional imprints are also intended to nurture and promote justice, democracy, equality, fraternity, and freedom.

In addition, Salt Desert Media distributes, around the world, books from self-published authors and independent publishers whose values align with ours. Those values are: freedom, justice, democracy, equality, and fraternity.  At present, we are distributing for entities from Kuwait, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, and the UK.

Here is brief information on the publisher-distributor, Prabhu Guptara:

Prabhu Guptara

Prabhu has done many things in his life:
  • from checking tickets at a theatre to being a distinguished professor,
  • from chairing international conferences to being a Drama Script Editor for the BBC,
  • from being an interviewer for a market research company to coaching Indian students for the Indian civil service exams,
  • from in loco parentis to an international medley of students at a British university to being a film censor for the UK,
  • from a pundit and presenter on mainstream radio and TV in several countries … to writing on international culture, politics and economics …
  • to then becoming a consultant – eventually, for 37 years, a consultant to some of the largest companies in the world.

Though any further imprints will have to be financed by additional capital being raised, Salt Desert Media, which was initiated in memory of his wife with the first imprint (Pippa Rann Books), and is being grown through the second imprint (Global Resilience Publishing), is financed entirely from his retirement savings, for the sake of making the world a slightly better place.

And, if you are at all interested in Japan, you might be interested to cast a glance through 239th_Special_Article_02.pdf (jef.or.jp)

We offer summer internships, which focus on Editorial, production, or marketing/ PR/ social media and communicationsFind out more about our Internships